(Transcribed exactly as in Directory)
(Thanks again to Kathi Alvey for getting copies of this)

Lake County, California

McKenney's DISTRICT DIRECTORY - 1878 - 79


(This is only the Lake County portion)

Including all Residents, with Sketch of Cities and Towns

A New and Prominent Feature of this Directory is the fact that every RESIDENT LAND-OWNER in this County appears with the Number of Acres and Post Office Address


We freely use the Lake County Bee of January 3rd, 1878, in the following sketch: Lake County is rather small compared with others in the State, being only ninety miles in length and forty in width. Out of two and a quarter millions acres of land, about 100,000 are susceptible of cultivation. The balance is mountain country, of which a great deal is still held by the government. The mountain land is by no means useless, as it is the very best for vines and fruits. Large tracts of the latter are still open for pre-emption.
The climate of Lake County is unequalled in California. The hot winds of the plains, and the fogs and harsh winds of the coast, are toned down and lose their unpleasantness when they reach here. The mean summer temperature is from seventy-five to eithty-five degrees, and in winter the thermometer usually ranges from forty to sixty.
There is an absolute certainty of crops in this county, even in dry seasons.
Besides having very good agricultural prospects, Lake County is possessed of manifold riches in minerals, lumber, stock, and mineral springs, which latter thickly abound.
The Sulphur Bank mine has been and is being worked with gigantic results. A fabulous amount of quicksilver and sulphur has been developed. Besides sulphur, these works turn out one thousand flasks of quicksilver per month. On an average 175 men are employed. There are other less important but still valuable mines being worked in the county, and with satisfactory results. All this without a railroad.
The population of Lake County is 7000, and rapidly increasing. Her importance will be realized when she has better means of transportation.


ALEXANDER, D - propr Bartlett SpringsHIATT, J F M
ALLEN Bros, hotelHOPPIN, J E, saloon, 160 acres
ANDERSON & LONGWITH, stock raisersJONES, JAMES P, Post Master,express and telegraph agt, general news agent, and notary public
ARDRY, Jos. - saw mill, 160 acresMEAD, J R, groceries
BARTLETT, Green - real estateMICKELSON, L
BROWN, J W - farmerRUPPERT, A, laborer
CLARK, C R - genl mdseSCUDAMORE, REYNOLDS & Co, general merchandise
GAYNOR & ALEXANDER - liquorsTUCKER, Wm, merchant
HAIL, J C W - laborer


BREWER, Thos, laborerMOWVERN, John, laborer
BUTLER, M, farmer, 160 acresPLUTH, Jacob, teamster
CHANDON, C F, laborer, 273 aPLUTH, Peter, teamster
CHANDON, C F, laborer, 273 aSTUBBS, Chas, stock raiser
CHILDERS, W J, plastererSULPHUR BANK Q M Co, 3870 acres
GETZ BROS, genl mdse


ALDRICH, H A, farmerMILLS, C H, farmer, 130 acres
ARMSTRONG, I M, farmerMILLS, D E, farmer, 240 acres
BASSETT, S, farmer and hotel, 628 acresPRICE, Robt, frmr, 200 acres
DORN, Max, farmer, 160 acresSMITH, J H, teamster, 190 a
GRIFFITH, John, frmr, 160 acresSMITH, N, farmer, 160 acres
HUSCROFT, J J, laborerYOUNG, M N, frmr, 320 acres


ARNOLD, S S, teamsterMURPHY, J C, farmer
BRANDT, J P, stock raiser, 1229 acresNETHERLAND, S G, 30 acres
BROWN, J N, farmer, 250 aNICHOLSON, James
BROWN, Mrs N R, (widow)POULSON, John, laborer
CHENEY, A H, stock raiser, 1006 acresPRAY, J C
CONNELLY, J W, farmer, 244 aQUIGLEY, H T, laborer
COOLBAUGH, J H, farmerREAD, J L, farmer
COPSEY, T H, farmerRITCHIE, A A, farmer 900 a
DAVIS, John, farmerRUSH, C C, carpenter
DAVIS, Mrs N, farmer, 460 aSHARP, E
HARRIS, T M, stock raiserSTARK, Lafayette, farmer
HAWLEY, C J, stock raiserSTARK, Mrs M, farmer, 1350 a
HICKS, R D, farmerSTARK, T J, farmer
HICKS, W T, farmerSTREET, Wm
HUDSON, D, farmer, 1521 aSWEIKERT, C, farmer, 289 a
IRWIN, E, stock raiserTHOMARSON, E H, laborer
McGREER, John farmer, 850 aTHOMPSON, W H, laborer
McGREER, Henry, frmr, 100 aWHITEHEAD, J F, farmer
MUIR, John, farmer, 842 aWOOD, G M, stock rsr, 4000 a


Uncle Sam Post Office is situated seven miles southeast of Lakeport. It is the junction of the two branches of the Calistoga, and distance from that place forty-three miles.

AKERS, Austin, farmer and chair makerKESEY, John sen, 72 acres
AKERS, F M, farmer, 80 acresLAMB, J R, farmer, 225 acres
AKERS, W D, farmerLEA, J M, farmer, 319 acres
ANIA, Ramon, farmerLONG, E M Mrs, dress maker
AUSTIN, Moses, brick makerLYNCH, John, farmer 240 a
BAILEY, H I, farmer, 177 aMANN, L, farmer, 154 acres
BAKER, J W, laborerMARSHALL, M J, (widow)
BAKER, Joshua, laborerMATTHEWS, Thos, farmer, 200 acres
BARLOW, Jas, farmer, 160 aMcCORD, W R S, teamster
BEHR, John, farmer, 40 acres<McGRIFF, G W, farmer, 80 a<
BELL, G R, farmer, 95 acresMcINTIRE, Chas, farmer, 320 acres
BENSON, A, farmer, 160 acresMEABERRY, A E, 160 acres
BLAKE, W S, liquorsMENDENHALL, J S, genl mdse
BOLE, E B, nurseryman, 160 aMERRITT, R D, farmer, 78 a
BOLTER, H R, farmer 200 aMETCALF, L T, farmer, 263 a
BOONE, J T, physicianMILLER, A F, farmer
BOWLES, Henry, liveryNOBLES, S B, blacksmith
BROWN, J P, carpenter, 26 aO'BRIEN , J J, hop raiser
BURTNETT, Peter, flour mill, 120 acresO'BRIEN, Thos, hop raiser
CLARK, Peter, farmer 456 aOLIVER, Robt, farmer, 13 a
COOK, N, watch maker, 13 aORMISTON, Thomas, carpenter, 92 acres
COOPER, H J, farmer, 534 aPETERSON, A, boot maker
COX, J L, Justice of the PeacePIERCE, Frank, blacksmith
CUMMINS, John RevPIERCE, George, liquors
DARLING, A W, laborerPINER Bros, (C S and G W) meat market
DAVENORT, A E, barkeeperPINER, C A, farmer, 240 acres
DAVIS, E S, hunterPINER, G W, butcher, 60 a
DODSON, Charles, farmerPINER, S M, farmer, 10 acres
DUFFY, H W, laborerPOSTELS, John, farmer
DUNLAP, Mrs C, hotelREEVES, George, laborer
DUNN, D, farmer, 160 acresRENFRO, J H, farmer, 495 a
EDDY, Chas, farmer, 160 acresRICKABAUGH, Pres, farmer, 210 acres
ENGLAND, J C, farmer, 160 aRICKABAUGH, Seth, farmer, 160 acres
ENGLAND, R J, propr Springs, 160 acresROSEBRAUGH, J W, stock raisr, 160 acres
FURGURSON, R K, farmerSAGERTY, T J, laborer
GADDY, Robt, farmer, 215 aSCOTT, T T, laborer
GARD, Davis, farmer, 160 aSHALLER, H W
GARD, G W, farmer, 120 acresSHARTZER, H, real estate, 633 acres
GARD, I N, painterSHAUL, B F, stock raiser
GARD, John, farmerSHIRLEY, John, farmer, 150 a
GARD, Joseph, teamsterSIDWELL, J C, laborer
GINNER, L, farmerSLOCUM, A A, genl mdse
GLENDENIN, Wm, clerkSLOCUM, Willett, clerk
GOODMAN, G R, blacksmithSMITH, F & McCLOUGH, W W, proprs Highland Springs
GREEN, T J, dentistSTONE, J C, farmer
GREENE, A D. speculatorSTONEBRAKER, W M, port pkr
GREENE, W E, clerkTHOMAS, H H, farmer
HAMMACK, W H, farmer, 160 acresTHOMPSON, H C, laborer
HARDY, Henry, laborerTHOMPSON, J L, 80 acres
HARRIS, Wm, teamster, 173 aTHOMPSON, R L liquors, (see advt)
HAYTER, D S, book keeperTHOMPSON, S A, carpenter
HENDERSON, L, farmer, 240 aTHOMPSON, W B, laborer, 160 acres
HERRON, I G, trucker 160 aTOWLE, C F, laborer, Kelsey
HILLYER, H farmerTOWLE, T F, teamster
HILLYER, S G, farmerTRAILOR, E C, farmer, 79 a
HILLYER, W A, farmerTRYON, James, farmer, 160 a
HOLMES, J S, farmer, 159 aTUCKER, S F, farmer, 160 a
HOWE, Ira, hotelWALLEN E, farmer, 160 a
HUGHES, John, farmer, 160 aWALLER, J M, farmer 160 a
JAMISON, J B, hop raiserWALLER, Wm, farmer
JAMISON, J H, Post MasterWARDWELL, A H, farmer
JAMISON, J H, farmerWILCOX, A W, farmer, 280 a
JAMISON, J H, farmerWOOD, C H, general mdse
JOHNSON, R S, farmer, 330 aYONGE, JAMES, druggist
JONES, W D, farmerYOUNG, J N, blacksmith
KELSEY, W F, farmer, 150 aYOUNG, W G, merchant, 46 acres


County Seat and Post Office. This is the most desirable residence town that has ever presented itself to our observation. It is situated on a beautiful slope overlooking Clear Lake, at a point favorable for the view. The climate is perfection, and is much sought by invalids. When other parts of the interior of California are subjected to excessive heat, the climate here is quite agreeable, and at the same time there are no trying winds. Lakeport itself is very picturesque, and rapidly improving. Distance from Calistoga (the terminus of Railroad) fifty miles. Chief among its industries is Starr's flouring mill, the largest in the county, with a capacity of forty barrels in twelve hours. Hotels are -- Mrs. Chapman's Mound Cottages, and Greene's Stage House. An established feature of Lakeport, and one of which visitors readily avail themselves, is the tour of Clear Lake on Captain Floyd's unique little steamer "City of Lakeport", under the command of Captain Fraser. One does not realize the beauties of this sheet of water until he has taken this delightful sail. The little craft is modelled after the trans-Atlantic steamers, and although she is only about thirty-five feet in length the likeness is striking. She is possessed of (spot on paper)__at power, and can be speeded at the rate of sixteen miles an hour. During our stay at Lakeport we were the recipient of many favors from J. W. Mackall, Esq., of the Farmers' Savings Bank. He has our sincere thanks.

ACKLEY, A, farmer, 50 acresLAWRENCE, R H, Under Sheriff
ACKLEY, H H, farmer 50 aLAYMAN, J F, farmer, 152 a
ADAMS, Mrs M L, dairyLEGASSICK, John, bootmaker
ADAMS, J D, Deputy SheriffLEVIN, David, (Levy & Levin)
ADAMS, J D, liquorsLEVY, A (Levy & Levin)
ALBEE, E F, engineerLEVY, S, clerk
ALBEE, Frank, farmerLevy & Levin, general mdse
ALLEN, H, County AssessorLOGAN, J Rev, farmer
ALTER, Henry, farmer, 319 aLONG, J P
ALTER, I, farmer, 186 acresLYON, George A jr, books and stationery
ANDERSON, W L, forman, Farmers Business Ass'nMACKALL, J W, cashier Farmers Savings Bank, insurance, real estate agent and Notary
BACCUS, J B, jr, printerMALE, Jas, cab maker
BACCUS, J B, frman, Bee officeMANLOVE, W H, farmer, 348 a
BALLENGER, S, salesman, Farmers Bus AssnMANNING, Thos, stck rsr, 160 a
BAINSTER, A, farmerMANTZ, JOHN, stoves and tinware
BANK OF LAKE, THE, A F Tate pres, Chas Goodwin vice-pres, Frank D Tunis cashierMARSH, S H, laborer
BANKS, J, millerMARTIN, J M, farmer, 309 a
BARNES, Jas, laborerMATHEWS, Wright, laborer
BARNES, John, laborerMATHES, H F, laborer
BARNES, Jos, laborerMATHIS, J T, livery
BARNES, Thos, laborer, 140 aMcCARTY, A P, att'y at law and Notary
BARRY, Capt E, carpenterMcCLINTOCK, J T, farmer, 160 a
BARTON, Thos, frmr, 40 acresMcCLURE, L H, farmer, 160 a
BEACH, J M Mrs, restaurantMcCONATHY, Jas, Special Tax Collector
BECK, A W, carpenterMcELROY, Wm, farmer, 160 a
BECK, J H, teamsterMcGEE, H W, clerk
BENNETT, Mrs O, frmr, 160 aMcGEE, J B, general mdse
BIGERSTAFF, Wm J, Post MasterMcGEE, W D, agt C L & M Tel Co
BIGGI, A, watches and jewelryMcHARVEY, C F, harness mkr
BINGHAM, Mrs T E, frmr, 160 aMcMINN, E A, Mrs, (Mitchell & McMinn)
BISHOP, O, carpenterMcNEIL, W H, farmer, 110 a
BOGGS, H C, capitalist, 839 aMEADER, E M, laborer
BOGGS, J W, farmer, 300 aMENDENHALL, D C, clerk
BOGGS, L H, Asst Cashier Farmers Savings BankMERZHOUSEN, Andrew, tailor
BOONE, P T, laborerMEWHINNEY, ISAAC, wagon maker
BRADLEY, Miss I A, dress mkrMILLS, W G, carpenter
BRATT, J C, laborerMILLS, W H, farmer
BRITT, E W, (Welch & Britt)MINSTRELL, G W, crpntr, 160 a
BROMLEY, H, farmer, 80 acresMITHELL, F, miss, (Mitchell & McMinn)
BROTT, J F, teamsterMITCHELL & McMINN, milliners, (see adv)
BRUTON, J J, farmer, 160 aMONTGOMERY, E, laborer
BULLINGTON, J, farmerMOORE, Gawn, meat market
BUNDY, Thos, boatmanMOORE, Joseph, teamster
BURGE, Mrs, nurseMORFORD, S O, County Supt Public Instruction
BURGE, J C, photographerMORRIS, G W, hotel and com'n merchant
BURGER, J F, farmer, 160 aMORRISON, Z, farmer, 40 acres
BURKE, J M, blacksmithMOUND COTTAGES, Mrs S. V Chapman propr, (see adv)
BUTLER, W J, butcher, 313 aNEALES, W S, Rev, Episcopal pastor
BYNUM, Thomas, Teller Bank of LakeNEWKIRK, I N, farmer
BYRNES, Mrs S A, farmer, 20 aNICHOL, M C, wagon maker
CARLY, S, real estate, 106 aNICHOLS, R K, Co Surveyor
CARSON, JOHN J, groceries (see advertisement)NOEL, A E, atty at law
CARSON, LINDSEY, Pres Farmers Savings BankNORTON, Nelse, stage driver
CARVER, J H, farmer, 80 acresOGLE, B, farmer, 40 acres
CHAPMAN, S V MRS, propr Mound CottagesOLIVER, H A, County Clerk and Recorder
CHARMAK, Chas, clerkPARKHURST, D, farmer
CHILDS, H F, tinnerPARRISH, James, blacksmith
CHRISTIE, Mrs I, farmer, 168 aPAUL, E M, County Judge
CHRISTIE, R J, farmer, 73 aPENDERGRAST, J C, Rev, Methodist pastor
CHRISTIE, W A, farmer, 80 aPHELAN, C E, druggist, (see advertisement)
CHURCHILL, C B, farmer, 10 aPHELAN, N, Deputy County Clerk, 155 acres
CLARK, Geo S, laborerPOOLE, Chester, farmer, 80 a
CLAY, B R, laborerPOOLE, John, teamster
CLENDENIN, S, farmer 80 aPOOLE, L, farmer, 30 acres
COHN, H & Son, (H and E) genl mdsePOOLE, L C, farmer, 188 acres
COLE, Jesse, farmerPOTTER, Thos, laborer
COLLIER, David, hostlerPRICE, Morris, laborer
COMBS, E, farmer, 160 acresRADCLIFF, W P, stage driver
COMBS, F A & SON, (F A and H M) druggistsRANKIN, R A, farmer, 70 a
COMBS, H M, physicianRANSDELL, J W, carpenter
COMBS, J C, farmerRANTZ, W D, farmer, 240 a
COMBS, J H, farmer, 40 acresRENFRO, E, brick mason
COOK, W S, book keeperRENFRO, Wm H, brick mason
CORNWALL, M M, frmr, 115 aRICE, J F, farmer, 40 acres
CORRELL, J H, laborerRIGG, J N, laborer
CORRELL, P L, laborerRIGGS, E C, farmer and fine stock, 40 acres
COWAN, JOHN F, liquorsRIPPEY, G C, farmer, 80 acres
COWAN, J R, CoronerRIPPEY, H H, laborer
CRABTREE, Mrs K, nurseRIPPEY, Jas, farmer
CRAWFORD, WOODS, att'y-at-law, real estate agent and Court CommissionerROBBE, J W, blacksmith
CRIGLER, J C, SheriffROETHEL, A, boot maker, (see advertisement)
CROCKETT, R J, stewrd Greene'sROGERS, Chas, printer
CRUMP, R W, editor Lake County "Bee", att'y at law, and Dep District AttorneyROGERS, Wm, printer
CRUMPTON, Dr H J, physicianROSS, ALEX, (Ross & Hurt)
CUNNINGHAM, W M, teamsterROSS, Guy, janitor Ct House
CYRUS, Wm, farmer, 30 acresROSS & HURT, blacksmiths
DALEY, James, teamsterROYAL, J P, teacher
DALY, P M, farmer 450 acresRUSSELL, J M, laborer
DEMING, Theodore, farmer, 210 acresRUST, Edwin C, clerk
DICKERSON, Mrs J, soap manfrSAILOR, L, farmer, 90 acres
DONAVAN, D, farmer, 103 aSCUDAMORE, G, farmer, 150 a
DOWNES, G F, barkeeperSIMMS, J F, real estate agt
ELLIOTT, J W, att'y at lawSIMMONS, L G, liquors
EVERETT, A J, photographerSLOTTERBECK, CHAS, gunsmith, 250 acres, (see adv)
EVERETT, J W, Dep. AssessorSMITH, R O, brewery, 160 a
EVATT, W H, teamsterSMYTH, J L, att'y-at-law
Farmers Business Ass'n, W L Anderson, foremanSNOW, H D, miner
FARMERS SAVINGS BANK, Lindsey Carson, President, J W Mackall, CashierSPENCER, J C, farmer, 133 a
FARRAR, Floyd, Rev, gardenerSPURR, H C, barkeeper
FEES, J F, flour packerSTAAB BROS, (H G & J D), merchant tailors, (see adv)
FEES, J W, carpenterSTANLEY, W S, farmer, 50 a
FERRELL, W F, farmerSTARR, M, flouring mills
FILE, Louis, hair dresserSTEVENS, J D, farmer, 52 a
FLIPPIN, W J, farmer, 120 aSTUART, J M, carpenter
FORSYTH, Frank, teacher penmanshipSTURDIVANT, J W, lab, 116 a
FRASER, J K, master steamer LakeportTATE, A F, President Bank of Lake
GESSNER, Wm, farmer, 244 aTATHERGOOD, Robt, butcher
GOODIN, J J, farmer, 76 acresTHOMPSON, J C, farmer, 338 a
GOODWIN, CHAS, Vice-Pres't Bank of Lakeport, 200 aTHOMPSON, W A, copyist Co Clerk's office
GORDON, E H, laborerTHOMPSON, W N, fmr, 243 a
GWIN, Wash, stage driverTHORNTON, P H, surgeon, physician and druggist
GRAHAM, E A, hotel, 311 aTRINDALL, J E, farmer
GREENE, W W, hotel (see advertisement)TUCKER, Geo, Deputy County Surveyor, 90 acres
GREGG, A K, hotel keeperTUCKER, J M, blacksmith
GULLY, J P, farmerTUNIS, FRANK D, cashier Bank of Lake
GULLY, S G, groceriesUTTING, A A R, pubr Lake Democrat
GULLY, W T, ConstableWALLACE, J B, farmer, 40 a
HAMMAK, R J, livery stableWALLACE, L, Rev, teacher
HANSON, D M, District Att'yWAMBOLD, H, gardener, 160 a
HARTMAN, C J, cabinet makerWATTENBURGER, A, frmr, 240 a
HASTIN, A R, laborerWATTENBURGER, F, farmer
HAYCOCK, Thomas, farm, 40 aWATTENBURGER, J H, farmer
HAZELWOOD, J W, lumberWATERMAN, M, laborer
HENDRICKS, L, farmerWAYNE BROS, ( G W and S A), furniture
HIXSON, W E, laborerWESDEMAN, Otto, brickmaker
HUFF, Wm, painterWELCH & BRITT, attys at law, (see adv)
HUGHES, A B, teacher PS, 160 acresWELCH, S K, (Welch & Britt), and assemblyman
HURT, C H, farmerWELLS, H B, res Mound Cottages
HURT, J W, (Ross & Hurt)WELTY, Albert, farmer, 440 a
HURT, W I, farmerWHITE, G H, liquors, (see ad)
HURT, Wm, farmerWILLARD, O B, printer
HUSTON, J M, farmer, 310 aWILLIAMS, Davis, Co Treas
HYDORN, J W W, capitalistWILLIAMS, James, engineer steamer Lakeport
INGRAM, J C W, farmer, 240 aWILLIAMS, Wm, laborer, 40 a
INGRAM, Jonas, farmer, 239 aWILSON, G W, teacher
JENKINS, C C, blacksmith and wagon makerWOOD, Col, stage driver
JOHNSON, John, pilotWOOLDRIDGE, N T, farmer
JONES, John, farmer, 240 aWOOLDRIDGE, W H, farmer
KEITHLY, Seth, farmer, 80 aWOODRUM, D L, carpenter
KELLY, J A, propr Lakeport InstituteWOODS, J L, Rev, teacher
KENNEDY, R, Justice of the Peace and contractorYATES, Enoch, liquors
KESEY, Wm, Deputy AssessorYONGE, J F M, druggist
KNOWLTON, C V, painterYOUNG, L A, saw mill, 65 a
LAKE COUNTY BEE, (weekly) county official paper, R. W. Crump, editor and proprYOUNG, L A & Co, saw mill, 239 a
LAKE DEMOCRAT, (weekly) A A R Utting, propr


Post Office, town next in importance to Lakeport of this cluster. It is beautifully situated on an arm of Clear Lake, twenty-three miles from Lakeport. Its industries are important. They embrace carriage manufacturing, flouring mill, brewery, and planing mill (the only one in the county). We were pleased to meet with Mr. John B. Fitch, a relative of ex-Governor Pacheco, at Lower Lake. He will be remembered as being formerly connected with editorial department of the San Francisco Examiner, and later with the Alta California. He is now publishing the Lower Lake Bulletin, of which journalistic work he is justly proud. The Bulletin is a spicy newspaper, and printed altogether at Lower Lake. Mr. Fitch established the Democratic Standard (now entitled The Tribune) of San Luis Obispo; and also the Democratic Standard of Healdsbur (now the Russian River Flag).

ADAMS, C M, butcherJOSLIN, A P, laborer
ADAMS, J O, stock raiser, 240 aKASTNER, Chas, teamster
ADAMS, Y H, farmerKEATING, M, stock raiser
AKINS, A M, frmr and temstrKELLY, William, bakery and lunch house
ALLEN, H, County AssessorKENNEDY, H, farmer, 800 a
ANDERSON, Alex, physician, (see Napa)KESEY, Wm, Deputy Assessor, 160 acres
ASBILL, Mrs E, farmer, 160 aKIPHART, Chas, farmer, 160 a
ASBILL, W D, farmerKIRTTEY, E B, laborer
ASHLEY, J G, farmerKOUNE, A, farmer, 160 acres
ASHLEY, W H, stock raiser, 156 acresLAYTON, Daniel, (Marshall, Layton & Co)
BAINBRIDGE, J G, farmerLEE, G R, teamster
BARKER, C C, farmerLEE, S W, teamster
BARTON, Wm, bookkeeperLEVY, I, clerk
BAYLIS, A W, physician, 144 aLEVY MORRIS, general mdse
BAYTON, W S, stock raiser, 1680 acresLINCK, Chas F, (Mather & Linck)
BECKLEY, E, stock raiserLOWER LAKE BULLETIN, (weekly) John B. Fitch, publisher, (see adv)
BISHOP, G, stock raiser, 160 acresMARINUS, J B, laborer, 120 a
BLAINE, Mrs M J, millinerMARSHALL, A H, farmer
BONKOFSKY, Emil, clerkMARSHALL, G W, (Marshall, Layton & Co.)
BOWER, Jacob, stock raiser, 866 acresMARSHALL, LAYTON & co, meat market
BRINES, J M, 160 acresMASTERSON, Wm J, clerk
BROWN & MULLINS, boatmenMATHER & LINCK, brewery
BYNUM, S, stock raiserMATHER, John, (Mather & Linck) flouring mills
CAMPBELL, J M, stock raiserMATHEWS, Mack, stock raiser
CANNON, Thomas F, printerMATHEWS, R, stock raiser, 385 a
CARLTON, Austin, farmerMATHEWS, Robt, farmer
CASTELLOW, T L, engineerMATHEWS, Wm, laborer
CASWELL, H, minerMATHEWS, W R, farmer, 522 a
CHANEY, S C, frmr, 145 acresMcBEE, W, laborer
CHAPMAN, Chas, clerkMcCABE, A, laborer
CHRISMAN, J C, labr, 565 acresMcCABE, G W, blacksmith
CHRISTIAN, P, frmr,200 acres McMILLAN, Perry, stock raiser
CLEAR LAKE WATER WORKS CO, R K Nichols, agentMILES, James, liquors
COBB, John, frmr, 516 acresMILES, R F, groceries
COFFMAN, E, stock raiserMILLER, D L, farmer, 40 acres
COMPTON, H N, wagon makerMITCHELL, T A K, blacksmith
COPSEY, C C, farmerMITCHELL, W E, laborer, 160 a
COPSEY, J C, farmerMOORE, J H, trader
COPSEY, O J, farmerMORELAN, E, farmer, 160 acres
COPSEY, S A, frmr, 154 acresMORELAN, Thomas, farm, 323 a
CORUM, C A, frmr, 200 acresMORINE, F, sen, stock dealer
COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, Benjamin Walls, proprietor, (see advertisement)MULLER, E P, boatman
COWDEN, James, meat marketNICHOLS, R K, Co Surveyor
CRABTREE, J F, frmr, 200 acresMUCOM & SPORNDLY, dairy, 880 acres
CRAVEN, M, farmer, 452 acresOLSON, Chris, farmer, 320 a
CUNNINGHAM, W H, blksmthPALMER, J C, stock raisr, 160 a
DARE, M, farmerQUIGLEY, R V S, farmer, 160 a
DAVIS, Anderson, stock raiser, 60 acresRAMITES, Jos
DELMONT HOUSE, W C Goldsmith, propr, (see adv)REIFF, John, farmer, 320 a
DIETZ, GERHARD, watchmaker and jewelerRENNE, John, laborer
DINSMORE, R, farmerREYNOLDS, J W, carriage and wagon maker
DOUGLASS, J C, farmerRICE & MADDEN, saw mill, 2406 acres
EDMONDSON, B F C, stock raiserROBERTS, Gil, laborer
EPPERSON, J M, prospectorROBISON, M F, stock raiser
EVANS, Luke, tinnerROBISON, R K, stock raiser, 320 acres
FARRALL, James, farmer, 317 aROCHESTER, J E, farmer
FARRIS, W W, frmr, 160 acresROOT, W R, music teacher
FARRIS, Y, laborerROWE, W F, stock raiser, 600 acres
FITCH, JOHN B, editor Lower Lake BulletinRUNNELS, C W, farmer
FOUTCH, J M, frmr, 144 acresRUNNELS, Jas, farmer
FOUTCH, W J, laborerRUNNELS, Mart, farmer, 160 a
FOX, S, stock raiserSCARF, Wm, teamster
GEMMILL, C H, hostlerSCOTT, C T, barber
GEORGE, R D, blacksmithSCOTT, J F, teacher
GETZ, Joseph & Bros, genl mdseSCRANTON, C P, farmer and stock raiser, 320 acres
GOLDSMITH & HARDY, liquorsSHINDLER, John, stock raiser, 800 acres
GOLDSMITH, WM C, (Goldsmith & Hardy) and propr Delmont HouseSHREVE, J B, 150 acres
GREEN, M A, laborerSIMMONS, Geo R, printer
GRIGSBY, J M, farmerSMITH & SNOW, general merchandise
GRIGSBY, N D, laborerSMITH, J A, stock trader
GRUWELL, LABE H, livery and stage line, 327 acresSMITH, Jack, (Smith & Snow)
GUNNING, J H, laborer, 360 acresSMITH, Pleasant, stock raiser, 240 acres
HALE, J M, laborerSMITH, T H, stone cutter
HALE, W J, laborerSNOW, G H, (Smith & Snow) 123 acres
HALE, W W, laborerSNOW, Horace (Smith & Snow)
HANSON, D M, att'y-at-lawSNOW, M M, farmer, 245 a
HANSON, D & N, stock raisers, 400 acresSNOW, S B, farmer
HANSON, J F, stock raiser, 200 acresSTANLEY, J R, Postmaster
HARDY, Robt, (Goldsmith & HardySTRODE, J M, laborer
HARRIS, J A, farmer, 160 aSUTTON, John, farmer
HARRIS, Saml, laborerTALLMAN, Wm, farmer, 120 a
HARTSBORN, Geo, millerTENNISON, J A, stck rst, 680 a
HEALY, John, boot makerTHOMPSON, E G, wagon mkr
HEISCH, Aug, propr Howard SpringsTHOMPSON, S H, wagon maker and planing mill
HENDRICKS, J D, fmr, 547 aTIBBITTS, O, farmer, 200a
HENRY, John, laborerTOBIAS, Nathan J, clerk
HERNDON, F M, stock raiser, 460 acresTREMPER, L B, blksmth, 160 a
HERNDON, G W, farmerTURNER, C, laborer
HERNDON, L F, farmer, 160 aVANN, R L, farmer, 152 acres
HERNDON, N, farmer, 295 aVOIGHT, David, 250 acres
HERRICK, H N, stock raiser, 315 acresWALLS, Benjamin, prop Cosmopolitan Hotel and Lower Lake Drug Store (see adv)
HILLS, RUFUS, real estate agen, & c, (see adv)WARD, B F, bootmaker
HINTON, G W, laborerWEST, Jasper
HOGAN, W M, stage and livery proprWILDGRUBE, H L, dairy, 160 a
HUTCHINSON, W H, stock raisrWILSON, C L, farmer, 160 a
JACKSON, J L, stock raiserWILSON, H H, blacksmith
JOHNSON, Eli, brick maker, 140 acresYATES, I G, constable
JONES, A S, stock raiser


Post Office. Situated eighteen miles from Calistoga by Klint's stages. Dependent for support upon the neighboring agricultural and mining industries. Has about 200 inhabitants.

AMERICAN I M Co, 35 acresHUSTON, W B, stock dealer
AMESBURY, Wm, saw millIRISH, E W, laborer
ANDREWS, Geo, laborer, 170 aKELLOGG, J H, blacksmith
ARMSTRONG, D B, druggistKEY, Jos, laborer
ARMSTRONG, Mrs E, real estateKNITTLE, M
ARMSTRONG, W J, frmr, 105 aLAKE COUNTY M Co, 672 acres
ASHER, Sam'l, general mdseLARSIN, C F, boat bldr, 160 a
BISHOP, C E, stock raiserLEWIS, J, teamster, 160 acres
BRADFORD, E J, hotelLILLY, D W, farmer, 459 acres
BRADFORD, E U, farmer, 150 aLOBE, H, clerk
BUTLER, S G, farmer, 270 aLOBE, L, merchant
CAMERON, F, bootmakerLOBRU, David, merchant, 640 a
CANNON, W G, farmer and notary, 171 acresMARTIN, M
CAPPS, J S, Justice of the Peace, 536 acresMcCALL, F S, farmer
COBURN, W R, farmer, 362 aMcKINLEY, G E, farmer and Co Supervisor, 434 acres
COLLINS, J M, farmer, 200 aPARKER, Thos, frmr, 346 acres
COOPER, G M, cabinet makerPARRIOTT, E, farmer, 58 acres
COULTHARD, C, farmerPAULSON, O P, frmr, 1105 acres
CUMMINS, John, clergyman, (Methodist)QUISHENBURY, M, farmer
DOBBINS, D M, frmr, 140 acresRANTZ, D, laborer
DUNHAM, Seth, frmr, 160 acresRAWSON, G W
EDMISTON, C W, stock raiserREINIKE, John, laborer
FARLEY, Geo, laborerSMITH, G W
FORD, E, peddlerSMYTHE, F H, teamster
FOX, C N, laborerSTEVENS, J Q, frmr, 110 acres
FOX, J M, stock raiser, 160 aSUMMERLAND, I, hardware
GETZ, M, merchantTAYLOR, H M
GREAT WESTERN Q M Co, 768 aTURNER, Wm, laborer
GOOD, John, Jr, farmer 182 aWELLS, Frank, laborer
GOOD, John, Sr, farmer, 273 aWELLS, Josiah, laborer
HANNA, Robt, frmr, 205 acresWHITTINGTON, W, frmr, 480 a
HARBIN, J C, laborerWHITTON, W T, frmr, 160 acres
HAUGSE, L J, carpenter, 70 aWILKERSON, J H, frmr, 322 a
HIBBARD, Chas, farmer, 160 aWILLIAMS, R, propr Harbin Springs, 320 acres
HORNING, D G, farmerYOUNG, C H, hotel, 120 acres
HUSTON, J H, frmr, 630 acres


ASBILL, John, stock raiserEBBINGHAUSEN, F, stk rst, 320 a
BAKER, W N, physician and minerFUQUA, T J, laborer
BELL, J E, stock raiserIVES, C F, stock raiser
BOND, Henry stck rsr, 654 aLAWSON, E I, farmer, 160 a
BOND, Thos, stock raiserMORRELL, A F, farmer, 640 a
COX BROS, stock raisers, 320 a


Post Office. Situated on a branch of Clear Lake, ten miles north of Lakeport. It is mainly dependent upon the surrounding agricultural and stock country. Population about 200.

ADAMS, D H, farmerKEATLEY, Thomas, machinist
ALLEN, G T, mercht, 40 acresKERR, William, wagon maker
ALLEN, W L and SG, farmersLEAGUE, J N, (League & Taylor) 19 acres
ALLEY, A J, farmerLEAGUE & TAYLOR, general merchandise
ALLEY, J L, farmer, 160 acresLITTLEJOHN, J, blacksmith
ALLEY, S H, farmer, 379 acresLYON, G A, sen, stock raiser, 894 acres
ALLISON, Thos, frmr, 160 acresMASON, Albert, farmer, 160 a
APPLEGATE, J P, farmer, 68 aMAXWELL, J W, farmer, 48 a
ASHER, M, general mdseMcCABE, Wm, laborer
BABBETT, C S, frmr, 87 acresMcCARTY, Henry, stock dealer
BAGLEY, T, stock raiserMcCLENEY, R T, peddler
BALLENGER, Wm, farmer, 163 aMcCOMBS, A E, farmer
BENIFIEL, W L, farmerMcCREARY, J E, teacher music
BLACK, John, farmer, 179 aMcLEAN, Donald, farm, 160 a
BROWN, A W, clerkMOORE, J M, teamster
BUCKNELL, Geo, farmer, 179 aMOORE, W F, farmer, 174 a
BUCKNELL, Robt, butcherMORRISON, Samuel, farmer, 550a
BURKE, Ben, frmr, 296 acresMURDOCK, G, farmer, 340 a
BURKE, E, farmerMURPHY, W L, clerk
BURKE, P S, farmerPARNIER, H, farmer
BURKE, W P, farmerPATTEN, J M, farmer, 40 acres
CARSON, A J, stck rsr, 1354 aPOAGUE, W F & Bro, stock raisers, 129 acres
CLINGER, R, hunterPOE, A H, stock raiser
COGSWELL, W, frmr, 514 acresPOE, A N, farmer, 180 acres
CONEY, Geo, laborerPITNEY, Jonathan, farm, 151 a
CONNER & SON, stck rsr, 80 aREYNOLDS, R G, (Scudamore, Reynolds & Co.)
COPPINGER, P, frmr, 444 acresRICE, C C, farmer, 133 acres
DENISON, M L, boatman, 144aRICE, W I, farmer, 40 acres
DONALDSON, A B, farmer, 25 aRIDGWAY, J, hotel
DONALDSON, A G, laborer, 32 aRIFFE, A T, Sen, carpenter, 20 a
DOTY, A J, roadmasterRIFFE, J H, laborer
DOTY, J W, trader and farmer, 89 acresRIFFE, W, farmer, 160 acres
DUELL, B, farmer, 154 acresROBINSON, J B, frmr, 205 acres
ELLIOTT, T C, farmerSCUDAMORE, REYNOLDS & Co, general merchandise
ELLIS, Enos, farmer, 160 acresSHATTUCK, D O, farmer, 247 a
EMMERSON, P N, stock raiser, 1720 acresSHATTUCK, D P, farmer
EMMERSON, S R, stock raiserSHELDON, H B, farmer
FENDER, Johnson, stock raiserSHEPHARD, M, frmr, 640 acres
FORD, B, stck rsr, 480 acresSHORE, G, laborer
FORD, H and G, stock raisersSLEEPER, Capt M, politician, 640 acres
FRAZIER, J A, laborerSLEEPER, D O, frmr, 940 acres
FRITTS, H R, stck rsr, 621 acresSLEEPER, J H, frmr, 393 acres
GILBERT, Jacob, farmer, 160 aSMITH, Wm, farmer, 308 acres
GILLETT, C H, farmerSPRAGUE, O, laborer
GORDON, S J, teamsterSTREIFF, F, farmer, 80 acres
GRAHAM, Arthur, liveryTALLMAN, R C, frmr, 56 acres
GREEN, Alf, carpenterTAYLOR, D T, (League & Taylor) 200 acres
GREEN, B P, farmerTAYLOR, J H, farmer, 80 acres
GREEN, Freeman, laborerTHOMAS, H, farmer
GREEN, J H, stock raiserTHOMPSON, D V, Notary and Justice, farmer, 338 acres
GREEN, S W, carpenterTHORINGTON, Geo, frmr, 240 a
GULLY, F M, farmer, 180 acresTOWNSENTD, E, frmr, 185 acres
HARROW, E, farmerTOWNSEND, W S, farmer, 40 a
HARROW, N W, preacher, 133 aULLREY, I M, laborer
HAYNES, B F, mill handULLREY, Robt, laborer
HAYNES, G H, laborerVANN, E P & G W, stock raisers, 320 acres
HELM, S G, laborer, 429 aVANN, P W, farmer, 40 acres
HELM, S W, stock raiserWALDFOGAL, M, frmr, 200 acres
HIGRIGHT, T L, farmer, 175 aWALKER, G W, frmr, 74 acres
HILYARD, T J, laborerWALLER, E, Rev, Baptist pastor
HOWARD, J B, farmer, 800 aWEBSTER, E A
HOWSER, J K, farmer, 40 acresWHITE, R P, farmer, 232 acres
HUMPHREY, H A, liquorsWOODWARD, W H, frmr, 78 a
JENNINGS, G N, physicianWYMAN, Wm, laborer
JOHNSON, Matt, farmer, 160 aYOUNG, Alexander, farmer
JONES, J W, farmer, 160 aYOUNG, P S, sawmill, 160 a
KEAN, J B, farmer, 175 acres

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Last Updated 01/25/2020

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